Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hallo Angels

Yes once again it has been a vhile as ve vanted to take many months off to write more music and meditate on the upcoming year.

2010 vill have much in store for Mit Fleisan. Stay tuned for new songs, new videos, and a mini vorld tour...

Talk to you you soon.

Ve love you.

Helmut and the boyz!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Am Back To You

Hallo Everyvon,

Yes it has been a vhile but I have good explanations for not keeping you abreast of our life. Ve have just been vay too busy! Now ve have a little down time so here is some news.

Ve just premiered our music video and it has been getting great great response!

People are sending us messages that they can’t stop singing this lovely tune and I am so happy to hear that! Remember this music is from our heart and that is vher the true love is found!

Ve are currently going into the studio to record two news songs and vait till you hear how amazing they are! You vill be singing these also!

Okay, I must run but I vill be in touch. Soon I vill blog about our fun in de sun trip to Los Angeles.

Vatch our video below!

I am Helmut and Ve love you!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Helmut's First Blog

Hallo Everyone,

As you know I am Helmut and this is the area of our site in vich I will write to you about our exciting, interesting, and dare I say titillating experiences that ve go through as a unit. So much is currently happening and it is making us so happy to think how many people care about us, our music, and our message of pure love throughout all of the universe. In just a few short days of launching our international lovefest ve are getting bombarded vith e-mail and questions if ve will appear on this show or that show or this magazine or that magazine or this photo shoot or that photo shoot! Thank you all very much! Keep it coming! The more you vant us, the more we vant you and the more music ve write! I must run now, I vill keep in touch. By the vay, stay tuned for our vorld premiere of our new music video for MIT FLEISAN.


Auf Wiedersehen. I am Helmut.